Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

I find it so amazing that there are TV shows like 16 and pregnant that show what a struggle it is to be a teen parent and yet no real decrease in the number of teenage pregnancies in our society! I mean through these episodes we can see that girls from different side of the United States are all going through similar problems whether be with their partner, their families, a place to live, their education, or the financial aspect. They even show how it can affect ones youth tremendously and how even though your a good mother or trying to better yourself people always look at you different once they discover that your a teen parent!!! Still with all this pain and stuggle adolescents feel that they are capable of raising a child but do not want anything else in their lives to change when that is totally not the case. How can anyone think that raising a child would not change a thing? Reality check! It will change everything because life as you know it will take a total 180!!! But what totally disturbed me was the new movie on lifetime called the "Pregnant Pack" which is about five young girls making a pack to all have children and raise them together! Can you believe that!!! What were these little girls thinking thats totally ridicolous and not a reason why one should bring a child into this world especially without a father figure, shelter, a career, or even their own place to live! I just think televisionn needs to do more on spreading proper awareness on how to prevent the further increaseinn teenage pregnancies!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
OH my gosh i cannot believe its spring break!!! Time just seems to fly now and days....regardless i was not even looking forward to it! Its sad but now that i am a mother those kinda vacations do not really excite you like they did before. Maybe that's another thing! I don't have the opportunity to enjoy the fun as much well not nearly even but once again it was my choice and i have no one else to blame for all this but me!!! Yet i do have the chance to let others no just what kind of a strain on a social life a child puts which is why i highly recommend to wait on children. Especially to those adolescents who feel they can be the same person they were before even having a child well sorry but "YOUR WRONG", because a child deserves a responsible well fit mother. And now and days it seems that teen parents are just not getting that, their just out and partying enjoying life leaving their children to other people and it is just not right! Why? Because the person who had the child should be the one to care for the child, and if an adolescent is not ready for that kinda commitment then there just not ready to engage in a sexual relationship either!!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010

"Wow"! My life has changed so much in the last two years even more then i could have possibly imagined and now with my little boy walking, mumbling, and imitating my every move i stop and wonder am I raising him right? Am I a good role model for my son? Being that I am a teen mom and I struggle day and night to keep him happy and have the needed necessities to support him! I don't want him to think that's what a teenagers life should be like because in reality it is not!!! He should see that I missed out on a lot even though I am now happier with him I still will not be able to experience a lot of the things I always grew up fantasising about. And that's not something I would want my son to go through I want him to at least trust me if anything on that! Which is why i strongly discourage any adolescent on having children because they do not just affect themselves but they can also affect the future of their kids, and it is not a cycle that should continue. Children need to grow up and experience life, fun, and fulfillment and just keep ones youth as long as possible! To add there have been many studies that do link adolescents that have a mother or sister who were teen mothers have been more likely to also become teen mothers. Here you can read it for yourself : East, P. L, & Reyes, B. T, & Horn, E. J. (2007). Association Between Adolescent Pregnancy and a Family History of Teenage Births. Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, 39(2), 108-115. doi: 10.1363/3910807. Its very informative and something i think parents should read and especially mothers who themselves were teen parents.
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