Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blogs I Follow: #1 The Life of Ashley Salazar!

I been following this blog about Ashley and her life for a while now it has a lot to do with how she feels about having to give her daughter Callie up for adoption because she couldn't support her. I find it so interesting that she is really be affected by the adoption even though her daughter is not with her and for that is forever a changed person, you get to read about her days were she completely feels torn by her decision but yet you can still read about her highs which in my own eyes would probably have not been if she had kept her daughter. I also like that you get to read all the comments people write to her and its amazing how she can answer them with such a strong mind being she in her heart has made her decision and will forever live with it knowing "IT WAS FOR THE BEST". I really find myself in her at times because she too totally agrees that TEENS SHOULD WAIT TO GET PREGNANT because its a life changing experience no matter what you chose: Abortion, Adoption, or To keep your child; it all has its toll! She like me has the blessing to continue her education yet i feel bad that her daughter isn't around to experience her accomplishments with her. All this goes to show once pregnant "NEVER THE SAME AGAIN" which i wish teenagers now would understand so that they can save themselves from experiencing the heart ace and pain Ashley went through or the loss of youth like i experienced! Really you guys should read into her blog its very eye opening and can help you teenagers to realize waiting is the best choice!!!!

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