Friday, May 7, 2010

My Fair Well To 1312!

Online opinion piece was a success well my draft was i guess people do understand my point in the next successful step in reducing teenage pregnancy! Really makes me feel like people are willing to hear out good ideas with facts to back it up, yet i still feel there will be a lot of work in order to really get my idea heard and believe me i will do something to get it out there. This however ends my blog for the semester and my semester in English 1312 which i enjoyed because i happen to really find english interesting despite the fact that it hardly has anything to do with my major! Along with i hope everyone who's read my blog learned the important message i tried so very hard to get through for everyone to see that waiting on having children can be the difference between ones success and failure in life. Not trying to say don't ever have kids i am just trying to say to finish being a kid yourself before bringing a child into our world. The wait is key to benefit both ones self and children being that children who wait are most likely to continue their education and have a successful career therefore being able to financial, emotionally, and mentally support their children. And having a happy stable family is key in any child's life!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog I Follow: #3 MTV Remote Control Blog- The Hills

Wow! I just love this blog so much partially because of the drama but i just really enjoy the show itself! I watch it every Tuesday but have kept up with the show for the last 4 years, and if i miss any juicy gossip i just need to log onto this blog and I'm all caught up! I still cant believe that Lauren left but in the end Kristin does spice it up a bit along with Audrina who just honestly always finds herself in drama due to the Boys of The Hills! Plus its a dream of mine to live in California i just love the scene there and i really hope to one day get to experience all of that, the nice cars, unbelievable clothes, and the gorgeous guys! And to add Brody Jenner is to die for his just so gorgeous and he really seems like a lay back guy, even Justin has something that catches your attention, so you want more in depth gossip this is the blog to follow! All the other blogs don't even consistently follow along but this one has something up every week and sometimes even twice a week if there is something really juicy happening on The Hills or one of its cast members!

Friday, April 30, 2010

I had an online opinion paper due this last week on what policy i think should be made in order to prevent teenage pregnancies and i quickly knew the best solution would be to have high schools incorporate a parenting course. What i suggested was to have this parenting course be made mandatory for all students to complete with an average of 70 or above in order to graduate. Why? Because i feel schools are the best way to tackle down the problem of teenage pregnancies being that adolescents already spend the majority time at school, so mid as well educate them on the reality of engaging in sexual intercourse. I really feel the schools boards throughout the United States should really put this policy into affect because with knowledge all adolescents have more of a chance of practicing abstinence or the power of protection! Many schools do not do much to educate students about sex because there are certain restrictions but in reality sex ed should be a school priority and be used to protect our youth from making the wrong choices. By having electronic babies, presentations, and lectures students will get an inside look on the consequences of engaging in sexual intercourse therefore significantly reducing the numbers of teenage pregnancies! If you all would like to know more about this idea you can google electronic babies and see how they have changed the minds of many adolescents.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog I Follow: #2 Teen Baby Blog!

I love this blog and ever since i've began following it ive learned so much because its so educational when it comes to pregnancies and teens i mean it not only shows articles about ways to prevent teenage pregnancy but it gives studies and statistics of the rate of teenage pregnancies amoung different ethnic groups! Like one blog i read was that Hispanic are more likely to get pregnant before the age of 20! I found that distubing being that i am Hispanic and live in a city that hispanic's dominate but the sad truth is i really do see more and more pregnant girls now and days anywhere i go! They even show studies of things that contribute to the start of an adolescents engaging in sexual intercourse like music, their communities, and alcohol. I just think adolescents should really take time to look at this blog because they will get a lot of insight on different aspects of teenage pregnancies and its very eye opening and might even scare adolescents! What also caught my attention was that they give us insight on the upcoming plans going to work for prevention programs throughout america, which from what ive read our government has invested thousands of dollars so i hope to see a great decline after these programs have started. So to all you adolescents you should TAKE A LOKK AT THIS BLOG, might make a huge difference in the way you think!
I was in shock today! I went to the doctor with my sister who is a soon to be mother and i saw so many pregnant TEENAGERS!!! Just goes to show what an epidemic teenage pregnancy has became and that just honestly disappoints me i mean why don't schools, communities even more PARENTS make more of an effort to put a stop to this!!! I mean schools can start by enforcing a mandatory parenting course that needs to be completed with a passing grade that will educate teenagers more about abstinence, contraceptives, and has electronic babies that are monitored that they can take home so that teenagers have more sense of mind of what sex brings. Communities should also take time to promote abstinence being that abstinence prevents more than pregnancy, and parents should just take more time to listen to their children and not let them get to seriously involved with someone and by limiting the time they spend at parties because that is the easiest way for an adolescent to get drunk and engage in sexual intercourse. I just really hope to see a decrease in the number of teenage pregnancies in the next decade because if nothing is done then what is our future gonna be looking like! Because don't forget "Almost everything great has been done by our YOUTH" and i hope that continues!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blogs I Follow: #1 The Life of Ashley Salazar!

I been following this blog about Ashley and her life for a while now it has a lot to do with how she feels about having to give her daughter Callie up for adoption because she couldn't support her. I find it so interesting that she is really be affected by the adoption even though her daughter is not with her and for that is forever a changed person, you get to read about her days were she completely feels torn by her decision but yet you can still read about her highs which in my own eyes would probably have not been if she had kept her daughter. I also like that you get to read all the comments people write to her and its amazing how she can answer them with such a strong mind being she in her heart has made her decision and will forever live with it knowing "IT WAS FOR THE BEST". I really find myself in her at times because she too totally agrees that TEENS SHOULD WAIT TO GET PREGNANT because its a life changing experience no matter what you chose: Abortion, Adoption, or To keep your child; it all has its toll! She like me has the blessing to continue her education yet i feel bad that her daughter isn't around to experience her accomplishments with her. All this goes to show once pregnant "NEVER THE SAME AGAIN" which i wish teenagers now would understand so that they can save themselves from experiencing the heart ace and pain Ashley went through or the loss of youth like i experienced! Really you guys should read into her blog its very eye opening and can help you teenagers to realize waiting is the best choice!!!!
Started my documentary and its weird because even though i changed it up and did my documentary on adoption it still managed to some how touch on teenage pregnancy! I mean not that they don't somehow inter twin but i just saw teenage pregnancy in a different light. I want to share my thoughts on how i feel adoption is a great option for those unexpected pregnancies being that their are many different aspects to adoptions that can really benefit the child involved. Being that parents have the opportunity to have an open or closed adoption, also i feel adoption helps children have the opportunity of being apart of a happy home with stability, love, and unity. But i also feel this can be a devastating decision that i feel many adolescents will have a difficult time coping with being that many adolescents are emotionally unstable which is why i still think teen pregnancies should be stopped before any rational decisions will need to be made! Teen pregnancy can be a very bumby road with to many left and rights being that as a teen mother i always saw the road i wanted but went on the road i needed to take in order to provide for my child, which can really be difficult for an adolescent to do if they do not take the responsibility of having a child seriously therefore can end up neglecting their child. A child should be brought up in this world with love, stability, and unity which many adolescents cannot provide at such a young age themselves! If any of you want to learn more about adoption there are so many resources but i suggest!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I gave a speech today on why teenage pregnancy should be stopped in my Communication 1301 class since I feel so strongly that our youth should wait to have children until they are accomplished, prepared, and responsible. Despite that my teacher felt that he needed to give his opinion after my speech on how he feels its not a problem in our society because he feels having a child at an early age sets an adolescent on the right path but having them grow up faster, bettering themselves for their children, and focusing more in school. Since he knew a lot of women who were teen parents and are now very successful people which yes that has happened but I mean just because an adolescent has a child does not mean they are going to step up to the plate and be a good parent, or at that continue to even get an education which in my opinion the majority wont. He left me in shock I just could not understand how he felt that our youth should have kids in order to supposedly better themselves when that is totally in the hands of the adolescent themselves! What got to me more was he felt like he knew more than me when “I HAVE BEEN THROUGHOUT IT ALL FIRST HAND!” Yes i know that i chose to stay in school and make the most out of myself for my child but i know more than a couple of people who in no way are good parents or have even bettered themselves for their child! But I guess everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but I still feel our youth should be concentrating on making something out of their lives instead of trying to have children!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well this week we started our documentary film project in English 1312! I am actually really excited because she paired us up with someone else in our classroom who had similar topics to see how we could fit them in together. Well my topic is once again the prevention of teenage pregnancy and i always choice this topic because i feel so strongly about it! "So don't judge"! And to my luck i got this girl Sonia who's topic is adoption i know your probably wondering how they tie in together but believe it or not there closely netted! Even on the show 16 and pregnant there are already to young girls who are evidence that adoption and teenage pregnancy do go together. You see in the show which is reality TV show there is a young couple who are both teens Catelynn and her boyfriend is Tyler were unexpected parents and realized that they were no where near capable of raising a child and opted for adoption giving away their young daughter Carly right at birth. Another view point was Valarie who is an adopted child who has 11 siblings who are also other adopted children ended up becoming a teenage parent as well, also admitting that throughout her whole life she struggled for attention! Is this why she opted to engage in sexual intercourse? I don't really know but honestly it does seem like it! However, seems to me like its going to be a great documentary film!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I find it so amazing that there are TV shows like 16 and pregnant that show what a struggle it is to be a teen parent and yet no real decrease in the number of teenage pregnancies in our society! I mean through these episodes we can see that girls from different side of the United States are all going through similar problems whether be with their partner, their families, a place to live, their education, or the financial aspect. They even show how it can affect ones youth tremendously and how even though your a good mother or trying to better yourself people always look at you different once they discover that your a teen parent!!! Still with all this pain and stuggle adolescents feel that they are capable of raising a child but do not want anything else in their lives to change when that is totally not the case. How can anyone think that raising a child would not change a thing? Reality check! It will change everything because life as you know it will take a total 180!!! But what totally disturbed me was the new movie on lifetime called the "Pregnant Pack" which is about five young girls making a pack to all have children and raise them together! Can you believe that!!! What were these little girls thinking thats totally ridicolous and not a reason why one should bring a child into this world especially without a father figure, shelter, a career, or even their own place to live! I just think televisionn needs to do more on spreading proper awareness on how to prevent the further increaseinn teenage pregnancies!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

OH my gosh i cannot believe its spring break!!! Time just seems to fly now and days....regardless i was not even looking forward to it! Its sad but now that i am a mother those kinda vacations do not really excite you like they did before. Maybe that's another thing! I don't have the opportunity to enjoy the fun as much well not nearly even but once again it was my choice and i have no one else to blame for all this but me!!! Yet i do have the chance to let others no just what kind of a strain on a social life a child puts which is why i highly recommend to wait on children. Especially to those adolescents who feel they can be the same person they were before even having a child well sorry but "YOUR WRONG", because a child deserves a responsible well fit mother. And now and days it seems that teen parents are just not getting that, their just out and partying enjoying life leaving their children to other people and it is just not right! Why? Because the person who had the child should be the one to care for the child, and if an adolescent is not ready for that kinda commitment then there just not ready to engage in a sexual relationship either!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Wow"! My life has changed so much in the last two years even more then i could have possibly imagined and now with my little boy walking, mumbling, and imitating my every move i stop and wonder am I raising him right? Am I a good role model for my son? Being that I am a teen mom and I struggle day and night to keep him happy and have the needed necessities to support him! I don't want him to think that's what a teenagers life should be like because in reality it is not!!! He should see that I missed out on a lot even though I am now happier with him I still will not be able to experience a lot of the things I always grew up fantasising about. And that's not something I would want my son to go through I want him to at least trust me if anything on that! Which is why i strongly discourage any adolescent on having children because they do not just affect themselves but they can also affect the future of their kids, and it is not a cycle that should continue. Children need to grow up and experience life, fun, and fulfillment and just keep ones youth as long as possible! To add there have been many studies that do link adolescents that have a mother or sister who were teen mothers have been more likely to also become teen mothers. Here you can read it for yourself : East, P. L, & Reyes, B. T, & Horn, E. J. (2007). Association Between Adolescent Pregnancy and a Family History of Teenage Births. Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, 39(2), 108-115. doi: 10.1363/3910807. Its very informative and something i think parents should read and especially mothers who themselves were teen parents.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Had a great experience with my mom this last week because she let me know how she was proud of me. You see my mom and me have gone through a lot this two past years being that my son affected both our lives dramatically all good and bad but I guess at the time the bad seemed to outweigh the good. WE both delt with more stress, no sleep, no energy, and many more obstacles since we were so packed with our individual responsibilities along with my sons! Which is why my mothers and I relationship has not been all that great, I think we were so feed up that we just took it out on each other! Having a child now was not at all the best idea being that I am young in school his father’s away and my mom is a full time working woman still raising my brother, sister, and me! Despite that being a FACT she let me know that she has since a great change in the person I am even with all the criticism I have taken I still managed not to be just a typical “TEEN PARENT”. Even with that I still feel like if I would have waited a lot longer to have a child my mother would be more relaxed and level headed with me, even myself I mean I love my child with all my heart but much of what I wish to have done cannot be done anymore. Like moving away to college to experience a new place or getting my dream apartment with my sister just some things like that I mean being a parent took my youth away, something no adolescent should take for granted because they might not see it but all in one moment of lust and excitement it can all be taken away!!! Although knowing that my mom is proud of the mother I have become I hope adolescents realize patience is key to living out once youth.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Great comic strip by Jerry Craft called “Teenage Pregnancy” I read it because my English teacher had us research different genres about our topics. So I came upon this comic strip and found it fascinating being that it seemed to realistic, starting with the fact that it has to do with adolescents and how immature they are because they seem to think that having a child is all fun and games! “News flash” it is not and I am speaking first hand with a bit of experience now being that my son can be a handful. The comic is well illustrated lots of detail in his drawings and his main character Yusuf who is sixteen is put through a life changing experience all with one full day with baby Kory. You see baby Kory’s mom is so drained from caring for baby Kory night and day that Yusuf’s mother decides to help her out but at the same chance uses the opportunity to teach her son Yusuf a lesson since he had been talking about having a baby around. As Kory’s mom sleeps on their couch Yusuf takes charge and does great for like an hour then realizes that Kory is a full time job, crying, feeding him, changing him, and playing with him! Yusuf was so drained out by the next morning that he admits to his mother that a child is too much of a responsibility for him, and that he was ready to wait a few more years before becoming a father. Despite the fact that it took Yusuf an actual interaction with a child for him to learn his lesson I still feel that may be one of the strongest ways that an adolescent would learn! Which is why I feel schools should do more to prevent teenage pregnancies; high schools should have a parenting course that informs them of disease caused from sexual intercourse, have mechanical babies programmed to cry, pee, and react to people that they can take home while it records their progress, and information about birth control and abstinence. If this was made mandatory I bet it would make a huge difference in the current rates of teenage pregnancy! If you all would like to see this comic strip on your own its on

Monday, February 15, 2010

Once again I got that look! That look of “WOW” is not she kinda young to be a mother, and is probably something that I will deal with for the rest of my life. But i also feel that people are wrong, rude, and should not judge before even getting to know someone first hand!!! Despite that I know to just shrug it of now, and due to that I encourage all adolescents to take the time to become parents. More so because raising a child is pricey and emotionally draining it is like never having a day off; ripping you of your youth. Many adolescents do not see all this they feel like it is a piece of cake something anyone can do, and yet again I disagree because I have learned first hand that no it takes hard work and discipline to raise a child. Especially me being a full time student I find less and less time to study because my son is now on his feet and is even more of a handle fool to take care of, regardless of how amazing I find my son I still would not want any adolescent to experience that just yet. I also feel that I am helping adolescents to see the truth of being a parent not just the beauty, and by doing so I know some will take all this into consideration and save a child from growing up in a house of struggle. What I mean by that is it has been shown that many adolescents who become teen parents dropout of high school in order to support their child, when in result do not understand that losing a high school diploma only leads to a lifetime of low income jobs. Therefore adolescents should not be blinded by love and sex and focus their energy on their future where later on after achieving a high school diploma, college degree, and even more then they will truly be ready to engage in a serious relationship and produce a child.

Friday, February 5, 2010